Before SYS doors slam shut for enrollment

8 Weeks To the Body Of Your Dreams

The Easiest System Of Natural Spices To Shrink Your Waist, Melt Off Fat & Transform Your Body

Hey there future "I-rock-my-skinny-jeans" babe!

How hot would you feel {and look!} if you dropped those last stubbornly-stuck-to-you-like-crazy-glue 10 pounds…all with just a sprinkle of spice?

How crazy awesome would it be to see your partner’s jaw drop to the floor when you walk into the bedroom in that sweetly sexy teddy?

How cool-as-a-cucumber confident and almost Martha Stewart-ish would you feel when you dish out healthy-as-broccoli but divinely tasty-as-Tiramisu dinners that are gobbled up by your kids, even after a 12-hour day at work?

  • Would you rather starve yourself than eat food that’s bland as baby’s mashed pears and as boring as the meeting you just sat through?


  • Have you tried {and hated!} every weight loss program, named after doctors, locations or Stone Ages, because they just don’t have food options that are well, remotely yummy?


  • Are you a foodie {loving second and third servings!} who also wants to live a healthier, slimmer and sexier life?


You try hard to eat healthy… but it just doesn’t work or stick. Let’s face it… your kids aren’t the only ones forcing that kale down their throats. You need full bags of flavor, to keep your motivation levels up when you’re eating healthy!

You look at yourself in the mirror and you barely recognize yourself. The puffy face, those saggy arms and oh, let’s not even talk about that “spare tire” around your waist.

Your jeans feel cut-into-the belly-tight, your fitted dresses hang guiltily in the cupboard, that beautiful bathing suit you bought in a moment of bravery lies hidden under the cover up and you’re dreading summer and swim season all over again.

You love your body AND you hate what you’re doing to it.

You love your food AND you hate having to sacrifice your taste buds to blandness.

You love your family AND you you’re not happy with the life you’re living – one where you’d rather lie on the couch than take them to the park or on a hike because you’re so lethargic all the time.

Most importantly, you love yourself and yet, you keep putting yourself last. . .you put everyone and everything ahead of caring for YOU, your health, your wellbeing.

Harsh but true: You aren’t giving yourself the attention you so deserve.

It’s time for all of this to change… in a scrumptiously sizzlingly spicy way.


Hi, I'm Nagina Abdullah, founder of and Ultimate Healthy Coach for Busy, Ambitious Women. I've been described as a weight-loss "Magician" who helps women EASILY get the body of their dreams. . .yes. . EASILY

You hate bland food? Me too!

You want to lose weight without giving up flavor and fun with food? I hear ya.

Not so long ago, I was where you are right now. 40 pounds/18 kgs. overweight and overwhelmed.

I knew something had to change. I couldn’t eat the “diet food” out there. Boiled, bland, and ugh, boring!

Nor did I want to use artificial and unnatural supplements, powders, mixes or surgery!

Neither did I have tons of time to spend cooking different dishes for myself and different {and infinitely yummier} dishes for my family.

Uh-huh! Not gonna happen.


But then, there was NO other weight loss program in the market that was meeting my needs either. They wanted me to force-feed myself bland, tasteless food, go to the gym for 45 minutes every day. It was by turns, depressing, infuriating and plain, disappointing!

It was plain impossible for me!

So I went back to what I know best....

The spices our ancestors have been using for thousands of years. They were IN my kitchen cabinet (they're so common!).

I studied the powerful fat-burning impact of spices and using my Indian background learned how spices melt fat and shrink your waistline, faster and better than that sweaty gym instructor ever would!

I started by researching what our ancestors did and effortlessly stayed healthy and lean, not like me with a belly that made people ask me when I was due!!

I pored over books and journals detailing time-tested, ancient ingredients and techniques that people used for centuries - natural ingredients straight from the Earth’s platter.

The result?  THIS!

These ancient "skinny" spices (that are so common you probably have most of them in your kitchen cabinet RIGHT NOW!) have helped me and dozens of women melt fat away. From 8 to 40 pounds (4 to 18 kgs), these secret spices have helped women, just like you and me, shed weight with ease!

After extensive testing in my kitchen lab and on my self as a guinea pig, I discovered;

  • 7 Spices to melt belly fat faster than ice cream in summer.
  • 7 Spices for slimming arms quicker than a rabbit on steroids.
  • 7 Spices to put my metabolism on hyper drive and burn more calories even when I’m eating
  • Dozens of spice combinations using the 28 wonder spices to accelerate fat loss by 2000%
  • How to whip up scrumptiously healthy, fat-burning, tummy-toning meals in the least amount of time. Think meals for a week in an hour! I kid you no
  • and SO much more!! Yes, spices are serious stuff when it comes to staying slim!

You’ll find me on Fox News, Huffington Post, Time, Inc., the cover story of Woman's World National Magazine, and Business Insider, among other places, sharing the 28 wonder spices that have been used since ages but are still the best kept secret in the weight loss world.

Introducing. . .

Spice Yourself Skinny

The Ultimate (and ONLY) EASY Weight Loss Program For Busy, Ambitious Women (built on the same spices I used to lose 40 lbs. after 2 kids and 60+ hour workweeks)

Spice Yourself Skinny is your secret weapon against stubborn fat, sluggish metabolism and a slower-than-molasses energy drive.

BOOM. Losing weight becomes so much easier.

I'm talking delicious and everyday spices, like:


Black pepper

Cayenne pepper

They will drop your weight from the scale so fast once you start adding them with the quantities and frequencies I tell you.

Discover how adding 1 teaspoon of one of these slimming spices a day will help you burn 3x as much belly fat as if you didn’t add it (like right now).

Add one sprinkle of a secret spice in your coffee or tea to get your sugar kick and flatten your belly!

Add a pinch of an ancient wonder spice in your smoothie to lose double the fat.

Smile at that youthfully slender face in the mirror! No more puffiness!

Get ready for a flat, washboard belly! Buh-bye bloating.

Enjoy the sight of sexy slim thighs and tightly toned calf muscles when you slip into your fitted jeans and dresses again!

These craving-busting, calorie-burning, fat-melting spices work on you even if you use just a pinch a day! You can use spices to burn the same number of calories as a 20-minute walk, stomp out those sugar cravings and even, act as an aphrodisiac.

Spice Yourself Skinny is a fail-proof, proven-to-work, totally-real-world-tested weight loss system that busts commonly held myths, like my kids bust through my excuses on why they can’t stay up all night {seriously, they’re super smart;)}.

An 8-week Wonder Weight-loss Program designed to get you skinnier and sexier than ever before using the scientifically proven power of "Wonder Spices" found in your kitchen pantry or local grocery store.

This working mom of 2 tried every other weight-loss program and nothing worked! She joined Spice Yourself Skinny and lost 29 lbs!

Sarah lost 34 lbs. and had tried so many weight-loss programs before. She said Spice Yourself Skinny was the only program that she enjoyed doing - AND it worked!

This busy entrepreneur and mom of a very energetic 3 year old dropped 20 lbs. while following the Spice Yourself Skinny System

Can you believe that’s the same dress? She looks like a NEW woman!

Before SYS Shuts Down

Most importantly, Spice Yourself Skinny is the ONLY weight loss program to show you exactly how to combine and use the everyday skinny spices with WHOLE, REAL foods so you can experience their instant WAIST-SHRINKING benefits and easily make it your LIFESTYLE. 

Even, if someone does tell you {briefly though!} about the spices, no one really dives deep into using them smartly with the right foods to start and sustain weight loss, with ease.

Yes, with Spice Yourself Skinny, you get a complete list of recommended foods proven to fire up fat-burning right away!

The Spice Yourself Skinny Framework

  • 1

    D-tox (2 weeks long)

    - 2 weeks to cleanse, heal and reduce inflammation with done-for-you recipes using the 7 D-tox spice kit.
    - Includes spice guides, recipes, meal plans and grocery lists.
    In the first week itself, you’ll feel your tummy tightening and becoming slimmer as the toxins get flushed out. You’ll enjoy clearer skin, more energy and a definite drop in the pounds as well!
    *No exercise required to lose weight

  • 2

    D-bloat (2 weeks long)

    - 2 weeks to debloat your belly using the exact same meals, teas, smoothies and more that hundreds of women have flattened their bellies with. We’ll be using the 7 delicious debloating spices liberally during this phase.
    - Includes spice guides, recipes, meal plans and grocery lists. Savor the spices with lusciously delectable body-thinning recipes so you’re never at a loss for what to make and how to eat right.
    *No exercise required to lose weight

  • 3

    B-burn (2 weeks long)

    - In these 2 weeks, you will melt fat from your belly and back with simple recipes using the 7 fat-burning spices.
    - Includes spice guides, recipes, meal plans and grocery lists. Melt fat from your belly, back and more with zest and zing when you combine the 7 ancient fat-burning spices with the recommended Spice Yourself Skinny foods to burn fat up to 2000% more. Sizzle!!
    *STILL no exercise required to lose weight

  • 4

    B-tone (2 weeks long)

    - Hate the gym - no problem. If you love it, you still don't need to spend every waking hour exercising. In this phase, you’ll get access to SIX 20 minute fat-blasting workouts that you can do at home or even at the gym (no equipment required).
    - Includes spice guides, recipes, meal plans and grocery lists. PLUS, you’ll get the secret foods to eat 30 minutes before and after the workouts to continue burning fat fast all through the day.

Spice Yourself Skinny is easy to follow. Natural spices + real foods = SYS. No surviving on bland vegetables, protein shakes or working out for hours a day.  Yuck!

Deepshikha lost 29 lbs. using Spice Yourself Skinny System with 2 young boys including a one-year old! With SYS, the weight KEEPS coming off since it's so EASY!

Friends now call her the "skinny mom!"

Heather has now lost 30 lbs. And about 10 years, and has found the confidence to ‘strut her stuff’ in a cute bikini.

This beautiful mom of one, said her partner has never seen her skinny in the 8 years they’ve been together until she joined SYS! 

Kathy dropped 25 lbs. after she changed up her diet and starting eating whole, real foods and adding natural fat-burning SYS spices to her meals! It's a shift in her eating that she EASILY keeps doing! 

The Spice Yourself Skinny Program will Work for You. . .

  • Even if you have no time – you get ready-to-make menu plans, complete with recipes and grocery lists so you don’t waste time wondering how to use the spices.
  • Even if you hate or don't have time to cook - you'll instantly find a detailed framework of foods to eat and not eat and what to eat during each meal that requires 0 cooking.
  • Even if you hate working out – the spices work their magic on your metabolism, seasoning it so that you burn fat without seeing the inside of a gym, ever.
  • Even if you don’t have money – you don’t need fancy equipment or health mixes, all you need are the spices you already have in your pantry.
  • Even if you've tried everything – You get a full TWO-WEEK period to try Spice Yourself Skinny and experience the weight loss secret spices for yourself.

If you ever wanted to work with someone who’d get your lifestyle and help you lose weight without overwhelm and guilt-tripping, this is YOUR chance.

If you’ve ever wanted to make a lifestyle change and not a quick fix that fizzles out faster than it started, this is IT.

If you’ve been thinking about being a healthy role model for your kids, without sacrificing on taste, NOW is the time.

Full And Instant Access To Spice Yourself Skinny, the 8-Week Program

  • Handpicked, taste-tested, SIMPLE weekly recipes, meal plans and grocery list specific to each phase, complete with 7 fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, body-slimming spices EACH WEEK so you never wonder what to make for dinner AND effortlessly lose the weight.

  • Eat out with ease with the "Spice Yourself Skinny Eating Out / Takeout Guide" available NOW. Know exactly what to order from world cuisines {yes, Thai, Italian, Greek, Indian, the world is your platter!} with exact modifications so you lose weight even when you’re eating out.

  • Fiery and fast workouts to burn fat even when you’re eating or sitting so you never have to go to the gym again.

  • Become part of the coveted "Spice Yourself Skinny Sisterhood" with a members-only Facebook group where Nagina hangs out all the time, and you create a fun sisterhood to Spice Yourself Skinny!




    "Cook a week's meals in one hour" with Nagina, where you'll learn easy techniques to use to cook for the ENTIRE week in an hour! These are the exact same techniques Nagina and the SYS Sisters use to make losing weight effortless.


    Instant access to six easy, fast-acting recipes including a smoothie, tea, and dressing (and more)


    5 Spice Yourself Skinny Bonus videos, 15-minutes each, including 5 ways to use each spice + bonus recipe explained personally by Nagina

  • PLATEAU-BUSTING CHECKLIST: 7 Evidence-based Strategies To Bust Through That Plateau And Never Get Stuck Again

    Women have gotten past that dreaded plateau and see the scale move again in as little time as a a few days by using this 7-step checklist. Women have lost over 24 lbs. by following this guide!


    An "SYS-Exclusive" book specifically for vegetarians and those who do not eat eggs, for eight BONUS protein-packed breakfast options so you'll never get bored! Includes a detailed appendix of vegetarian and vegan ingredients and amounts you NEED to have to melt your fat

TOTAL VALUE including BONUSES = over $2900

Program only open until Friday, September 27th!

$997Pay it all in one payment

Save $191 with Pay-In-Full Option!

$9912 Month Payment Plan

"As a busy working mom who runs her own business, staying health conscious often falls off my daily to-do list. Thanks to Nagina's easy recipes, I actually look forward to cooking now!"

Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh Torabi Best-Selling Author, Host of CNBNC show “Folllow the Leader", and Host of So Money, #1 Financial Podcast

“Nagina inspired me to fit into a bathing suit with a full-time job and 2 kids - now other women ask me how I did it! Nagina offers smart advice for busy working women to switch up their eating habits and lose weight.”

Deepa LinkedIn Sr. Executive, Mom of 2

The First and Only Un-Boring, Scientifically-Backed Wellness Program Using What Our Ancestors Taught Us. . .The Same Spices I Personally Used to Lose 40 Lbs. After 2 Kids

Unlike other weight loss programs, Spice Yourself Skinny focuses on complete wellness with scientifically-proven weight-loss spices, giving you all the tools, techniques and quick-action insider recipes and combinations you need to know in order to be your sexiest, slimmest best!

With just a few clicks, you’ll get access to...

(Week 1 recipes will be available immediately; instant access to all bonuses including 60-minute workshop,the SYS Eating Out / Takeout Guide, quick-start recipe cards, in-depth videos,  8 eggless breakfast recipes, and SYS shortcuts)

  • 1

    Spice Yourself Skinny Weekly Recipes

    Get the skinny on slenderizing recipes using spices that will reduce water retention, inflammation, and burn fat - all combined into simple, easy recipes that you can make using local ingredients.

    Vegetarian? We got you covered! There are plenty of choices and there are scrumptious substitutions as well! Salivating, yet?

  • 2

    Spice Yourself Weekly Menu Plan and Grocery List

    Never struggle with “what to cook” ever again with the Spice Yourself Skinny menu plan and grocery list that takes the overwhelm out of cooking wholesome, hearty, slim-on-autopilot meals. Every week, you’ll get a detailed menu plan outlining easy-to-make recipes for food, drink and snacks. Yes, snacks!! Cue the angels singing!

  • 3

    Spice Yourself Skinny Eating Out / TakeOut Guide

    Like eating out? You’re gonna love this. As soon as you join (instantly) you will get the Spice Yourself Skinny Eating Out / Takeout guide with exact spice-filled orders from delicious cuisines like Thai, Chinese, Indian, Greek, Italian, and more.

  • You'll get exact orders so that you can eat out and live your life while still spicing yourself skinny! Start saving those takeout numbers on speed dial!

  • 4

    Spice Yourself Skinny Sizzling Workouts

    You don’t have time to hit the treadmill for 60 minutes, 5 days a week. Heck, you don’t even have 45 minutes. Plus, that yucky gym smell and the mind-numbing boredom! No thank you!
    The B-Tone phase will change all of that.

  • A total of 6 20-minute fast-action, fat-burning workouts (3 per week in B-Tone phase) you can do at home with NO equipment OR at the gym. Not only that, you’ll actually enjoy the high-intensity, non-boring workouts that work wonders in the least amount of time.

You have a FULL TWO WEEKS to dig into Spice Yourself Skinny. If at the end of two weeks, you’ve tried all the recipes and the spices and not seen a dip in the pounds/kgs or inches/cm, email my team and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

I've tried EVERYTHING. Will I lose weight with Spice Yourself Skinny?

Absolutely! But don't just take it from me!

Marlise's belly melted away - WHILE living in Thailand, following a vegetarian diet chasing around her 2 kids! She loved trying delicious new recipes to slim down (and her family loved them too)!

Marianne decided to join Spice Yourself Skinny after she saw a picture of herself teaching her daughter to ride a bike - and it wasn't who she thought she was! Now she loves taking pictures with her kids. 

Vicky lost a whopping 17 lbs (7.7 kgs) WITHOUT doing any cardio or other exercise!! She thought her metabolism slowed after menopause but it sped up with SYS.

Hear what other women just like you said about Spice Yourself Skinny from their own mouths (they all say how EASY it was!)

"My secret to losing 7 kgs/13 lbs was spices" - Louise, Full-Time User Experience Consultant + Entrepreneur

Heather lost 30 lbs (14 kgs)!

“All other diets are so restricting and I had to eat the same things over and over again. But Spice Yourself Skinny has such a huge variety and I couldn’t believe that within the first week I felt like ... I was melting away!

- Heather, lost 13 lbs. (6.5 kgs) in SYS and total 30 lbs. a few months later 

 Using SYS Kelly was able to get excited about losing weight! She 17 lbs. (8 kgs), stomped out her sugar cravings and did it all without exercise!

"In the past I would lose 2 then put 2 pounds back on, lose 4 put 4 pounds back on. . but after SYS, even with my desk job and no exercise I lost 17 lbs., and I don't even have sugar cravings anymore!" - Kelly, lost 17 lbs. (8 kgs) during SYS

Shilpi admits, “I didn’t exercise, I didn’t go to the gym, this is it. There is nothing else beyond this to lose this weight.” Hear her talk about her favorite spice that helped her lose 29 lbs!

Perpetua lost 14 pounds in Spice Yourself Skinny WHILE eating chocolate every day! She's so tiny now that she shops in the little girls section!

"Spice Yourself Skinny was mindlessly easy to follow.

I've lost that pesky underbust fat that used to roll, and my belly is flat, and I indulged in chocolate and fruit the whole time!

My results have been sustained because Spice Yourself Skinny has become part of my lifestyle. Thank you Spice Yourself Skinny!"

Deepshikha lost 29 lbs (14 kgs) using SYS with almost NO exercise.  People can't believe she's a mom of a 1-year old! She's kept it off for over 18 months and it feels easy

Spice Yourself Skinny Worked for me because I didn’t have to think.

I had my meal plans in front of me, I had my grocery list. I didn’t have to think! “What will I make for breakfast? What will I make for lunch?”

And I had this amazing group of supportive women sharing tips and posting pictures. It made it exciting."

- Deepshikha,  mom of 2, lost 16 lbs. (7 kgs) in 8 weeks and total 29 lbs.(14 kgs) a few months later

Shrink your waist with SYS - it works

Enrollment shuts down on Friday, September 27th.

Program only open until Friday, September 27th!

$997Pay it all in one payment

Save $191 with Pay-In-Full Option!

$9912 Month Payment Plan

ULTIMATE Spice Yourself Skinny Bonuses

Total Value of Spice Yourself Skinny System = over $2900

Snag these temptingly tantalizing buttkicking bonuses, designed to fire up the fat-burning, waist-shrinking right NOW



For the accountability you need THIS is Included:

A Spice Yourself Skinny Secret Sisterhood Facebook Group that will not let you fail

BONUS 1: SYS Sisterhood Facebook Group ($300 value)

24/7 Accountability from Nagina and your soon-to-be friendly, supportive and encouraging SYS sisters

We won't let you fail!

BONUS 2: Cook your meals in 1-hour a week online workshop ($297 value)

I teach the same strategies SYSters use each week to easily prepare delicious SYS meals while working long hours and/or traveling

Bonus 36 Quick Start Recipe Cards ($197 value)


Bonus 4: 5 In-Depth Videos On The Super Skinniest Spices Of Them All ($297 value)

Bonus 5: Plateau Busting Checklist - 7 Evidence-based Strategies To Bust Through That Plateau And Never Get Stuck Again ($797 value)

Bonus 6: 8 Skinny Eggless Breakfast Recipes Packed with Protein ($100 value)


You’re not in this alone. I’m gonna be there with you every minute of the way.

Unlike other Facebook groups, this Sisterhood group will be seductively structured to give your slim down journey a real shakedown as well.

The same Spice Yourself Skinny sisters who lost up to 30 lbs. (14 kgs) that you see on this page are IN THE SISTERHOOD. You will get specific how-tos from them on how to most easily Spice Yourself Skinny (tips, shortcuts and personalized advice).

I'm in there on a daily basis (not like those other programs where the creator disappears! NOPE! I'll be right in the group answering your questions AND giving you so much more). You get laser-focused, high-impact, personalized advice, straight up from me, ensuring you experience maximum weight loss impact, right off the bat.

And that's my #1 priority - to get you your dream body.

This is the jaw-dropping amount that SYSters lose in a typical round of SYS!

This is at TINY sample of the SURPRISING amount of weight SYSters can lose after ONLY WEEK 1!

Are you ready to JUMPSTART your weight-loss?

Program only open until Friday, September 27th!

$997Pay it all in one payment

Save $191 with Pay-In-Full Option!

$9912 Month Payment Plan

Here are 4 questions you may have about Spice Yourself Skinny, and answers from SYS graduates. Unlike most weight-loss programs, SYS makes it EASY to lose weight and IT WORKS!




I have a family, and I don’t want to cook different meals for all of us. Will they like the Spice Yourself Skinny meals too?

Your family will be THANKING you for bringing mouthwateringly delicious meals to their life. Husbands, partners, and kids love SYS meals. Here's what SYS graduates say:

Will I ever be able to wear those clothes in a box in my closet? Will SYS help me feel amazing in my clothes again?

Here's what SYS graduates say - they LOVE wearing the clothes they didn't think they would be able to wear again!

Will I get healthier overall? Will this system help me for the long-term?

Doctors LOVE SYS. In fact, they even recommend their patients to join because they see such incredible results!

Will I ever feel like a sexy wife and an energetic mom? Will I love how I look and feel in my skin ever again?

After going through Spice Yourself Skinny, these women feel sexier, lighter and more energetic for themselves, their husbands/partners, and their kids

Is it your turn to eat delicious food WITH your family and friends and shed that unwanted weight? Are you finally ready to take the steps to get healthier, wear the clothes you dream of wearing, and feel hot and sexy as a woman, wife and/or mom?

Spice Yourself Skinny is the natural next step. Join now to get the accountability and system that works to jumpstart your weight-loss.

Before the doors to SYS slam shut!

Grab your spot here!

$997Pay it all in one payment

SAVE $191 with Pay-In-Full Option!

$9912 Month Payment Plan

Here’s how I see it, soul sister. 

You can either continue to do what you’re doing and feel frumpy, embarrassed and even, angry with yourself. 

Or you can choose to step up, take action and fire up those taste buds while enjoying the fat days fade away. 

You can finally savor your meals and still stay high-school slim. 

You can enjoy high energy levels without getting loaded on caffeine. 

You can, oh sweet God, wear those dresses, tops and jeans that you’ve only longingly looked at. 

You can choose to enjoy all of this, even with a busy-as-the-First-Lady-schedule. 

You can live the life you want to, enjoying the foods you love so much, with the schedule you have… and the body you’ve dreamt of and maybe, once even had. 

The question is can you afford to wait any longer? You’re right. You can’t.

Burning Hot Questions? Refreshingly Cool Answers

What if I don’t like spicy food? +

Spices don’t mean fiery hot, always. Spices can be mellow, tangy, delicate, tantalizing and even, sweet.

What if I don’t have any time to make recipes? +

I hear ya, chica!

I work 60-hour weeks and I constantly want to clone myself. But even then, every night I cook for my family. I’ve mastered the art of developing health-boosting, fat-burning, mouth-watering recipes that take literally minutes to make. You’ll get my ninja Sunday Food Prep tips and tricks so you’ll walk into the kitchen during the week, with meals already done. PLUS, your handy weekly menu plans will take the stress out of planning a meal!

Oh, and don’t forget, you always have the option of ordering takeout! That’s right, my busy friend! You get ordering options as well, that’ll not only be totally tasty but also, super slimming. Serious.

What if I’ve tried everything to lose weight – why would this work? +

Have you ever used a spice that literally melts love handles? Or acts as rocket fuel to your metabolism?

Well, that’s because spices as proven and potent slimming agents is something that not many people know about. It’s a well-kept secret and most so-called “experts” would have you rather starving yourself or insanely working out. And we both know how that turns out, right? 😉

What if I join and don’t see results? +

Gorgeous, I’d never want to keep your money unless you don’t see a slimmer, sexier, super healthy version of you. That’s right.

I’m committed to giving women the body they love with the lifestyle they live.

Screenshot 2016-05-02 22.32.05You have a FULL TWO WEEKS to dig into Spice Yourself Skinny. If at the end of two weeks, you’ve tried the recipes and the spices and not seen a dip in the pounds/kgs or inches/cm, email my team and we’ll refund your money, no questions asked.

SYS gives you the ultimate accountability and teaches you self-love so you will not fail. I spent years creating this program so it works for you, a busy woman who loves to eat good food. Don't worry, the SYS team is going to take excellent care of you!

SINLESS Molten Lava Cake, smells that warm up your entire home, and dishes that taste like they're from a 5-star hotel. . .how could you NOT JUMP into SYS NOW?

Sinless Skinny Spiced Molten Lava Cake (Week 1 Cheat Day Dessert)

Blueberry BrainPower Salad (Week 1)

#SmokedPaprika Detox Dinner Bowl Packed for 3 days!

Full And Instant Access To Spice Yourself Skinny, the 8-Week Program

  • Handpicked, taste-tested, SIMPLE weekly recipes, meal plans and grocery list specific to each phase, complete with 7 fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, body-slimming spices EACH WEEK so you never wonder what to make for dinner AND effortlessly lose the weight.

  • Eat out with ease with the "Spice Yourself Skinny Eating Out / Takeout Guide" available NOW. Know exactly what to order from world cuisines {yes, Thai, Italian, Greek, Indian, the world is your platter!} with exact modifications so you lose weight even when you’re eating out.

  • Fiery and fast workouts to burn fat even when you’re eating or sitting so you never have to go to the gym again.

  • Become part of the coveted "Spice Yourself Skinny Sisterhood" with a members-only Facebook group where Nagina hangs out all the time, and you create a fun sisterhood to Spice Yourself Skinny!




    "Cook a week's meals in one hour" with Nagina, where you'll learn easy techniques to use to cook for the ENTIRE week in an hour! These are the exact same techniques Nagina and the SYS Sisters use to make losing weight effortless.


    Instant access to six easy, fast-acting recipes including a smoothie, tea, and dressing (and more)


    5 Spice Yourself Skinny Bonus videos, 15-minutes each, including 5 ways to use each spice + bonus recipe explained personally by Nagina

  • PLATEAU-BUSTING CHECKLIST: 7 Evidence-based Strategies To Bust Through That Plateau And Never Get Stuck Again

    Women have gotten past that dreaded plateau and see the scale move again in as little time as a a few days by using this 7-step checklist. Women have lost over 24 lbs. by following this guide!


    An "SYS-Exclusive" book specifically for vegetarians and those who do not eat eggs, for eight BONUS protein-packed breakfast options so you'll never get bored! Includes a detailed appendix of vegetarian and vegan ingredients and amounts you NEED to have to melt your fat

Program only open until Friday, September 27th!

$997Pay it all in one payment

SAVE $191 with Pay-In-Full Option!

$9912 Month Payment Plan

Shubadha lost 22 lbs. WITH a seven-month old, WHILE breastfeeding by following the Spice Yourself Skinny System

Tara didn't like spicy food and she lost 14 lbs!

Michelle has 3 young kids ages 6, 4 and 2 and lost 13 lbs.! She, her husband and kids love the Thai Thinning Curry!

Marlise has two kids  and felt like she was in a cooking rut! She learned new meals to cook for her family AND flattened her belly by following a vegetarian version of SYS!

Rachel is a vegetarian and easily lost over 12 lbs (5.5 kgs) during Spice Yourself Skinny (and looks like she dropped 10 years)!

Vu lost 10 lbs in SYS AND she has PCOS! She has two girls and works 12+ hour shifts and she's still setting a healthy example as a mom. What about you?

Kelly lost 17 lbs. in SYS WITHOUT exercise! She has a desk job and sits all day and the weight still dripped off! If she can do it, so can you!

Barbara lost 18 lbs. in SYS AFTER she retired! With spices, she loves eating vegetables now! SYS surpasses all age boundaries because natural spices and whole foods help EVERYONE lose weight.